Lynwood Opportunities Fund
The Lynwood Opportunities Fund specializes in long/short and event-driven equity strategies that seek to provide investors with consistent absolute returns balanced with a focus on risk management and capital preservation. Lynwood believes in being aligned with its investors which is why Principals account for ~25% of assets under management. Canadian investors can access the Lynwood Opportunities strategy through our flagship Lynwood Opportunities Fund which is listed on FundSERV, while offshore investors can invest via the Lynwood Opportunities International Fund.
The Lynwood Opportunities Fund is available for purchase through your authorized dealer. Class A and Class F units are eligible for registered accounts. The Fund is also available directly through Lynwood Capital Management Inc. (Class C).
Class A - LYN 100 – Lynwood Opportunities Fund – Advisor Channel (commission based accounts) and eligible for registered accounts.
Class F - LYN 102 – Lynwood Opportunities Fund – Advisor Channel (fee based accounts) and eligible for registered accounts.
Class C – Direct Channel (not available on Fundserv)
Class U - LYN 107 – Lynwood Opportunities Fund – U.S. dollar denominated class
Please contact for more information.
Please note that the Canadian Hedge Fund Awards are entirely quantitative, based solely on performance data, collected and tabulated by Fundata